Professional fireworks service Tbilisi/Georgia

Showtime company offers a large selection of grand fireworks.This is a guarantee that your event, party or presentation will be particularly memorable and festive. The company's pyrotechnicians will select the most effective place to launch the fireworks. They will install it and organize your event in compliance with all safety standards.

Questions about arranging and holding a pyrotechnic show

In what weather conditions can fireworks be held?

Fireworks are held only in good weather. In case of severe weather deterioration (wind over 5 m/s, thunder, storm, storm warning, etc.) before the agreed start time of the show, the customer has the right to postpone the date and time. Display of fireworks by agreement with the organizer without additional payment. These circumstances are recognized as force majeure circumstances.

What if the fireworks are canceled due to force majeure?

In case of cancellation of fireworks due to force majeure on the day of the event, the organizer returns the advance payment paid by the user minus the actual work performed: permission of the state fire protection service; scripting and development; assembling fireworks according to the scenario (charging products); installation and dismantling of products on site; transportation costs (delivering fireworks to the site); musical accompaniment; The services of security companies, if any are hired to block the launch site.

How long does it take to set up fireworks?

On average, it takes at least 10 days. But if necessary, we can arrange everything in one day!

What permits are required to run in the city and how do we get them?

You don't need any permit to ride in the whole city, it all depends on the specific location. For example, if it is held in mass public places (Palace Square, Vasilievsky Island), then you need:

Is it possible to opt out of fireworks?

In case the customer refuses to hold the show, the organizer reserves compensation for the work performed in the amount of 20% of the agreed value. In the case of a change of the specified place 5 (five) working days before the date of the fireworks show, the organizer has the right to refuse to hold the fireworks, minus the actual costs of advance payment. Or organize a show in a new changed location by revising the estimate. Change of location and revision of assessment are formed by additional agreement to the contract.

If the show was canceled due to the fault of the organizer?

In case of non-fulfillment of obligations, the organizer returns all the money received from the client.